Lunchtable Links Aug 19, 2015

Posted 19 August 2015 by Kate
Categories: Of Interest, Studio

Recommendations from the Swayspace team to get you through a mid-week slump..

  • Under the Skin is a weird, beautiful, and atmospheric movie, and everyone should watch it so we can talk about it [Metacritic]
  • The Magicians is a fantasy trilogy for the Harry Potter generation now that we're older [Amazon]
  • For a slightly shorter – yet very emotional – experience, listen to this Radiolab story from Jon Ronson about the artificial intelligence of Bina48 and the very human story behind it. [Radiolab]
  • If watching The Knick on HBO Go doesn't sound appetizing, listening to Sawbones is a great way to learn about the history of medicine without being so grossed out by fake gore. [Sawbones]